Eva Pintucci

Eva Pintucci is a third-year undergraduate at Northeastern University, working towards a B.S. in Behavioral Neuroscience and minors in Sociology and Political Science. As an undergraduate, Eva has worked as a Research Assistant in the Conceptual, Organizational, Reasoning and Education (CORE) Lab, where she studies cognitive construals or ways in which humans intuitively organize the complex information in the world around them. Her work has focused mainly on essentialism, or the cognitive designation of identities and categories, and their role in social group categorization. Additionally, Eva has a specific interest in neuroimmunomodulation and neuroinflammation, and the bidirectional role that behavioral states and the immune system have on each other. Because of this, she will study whole-body hyperthermia (WBH) as a potential therapeutic during her co-op at the DCRP. In the future, she hopes to pursue a MD/PhD dual degree.